
Flow visualisation of a cavitating hydrofoil as part of a preliminary test validation study for a large numerical and physical research project.

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Blue Economy CRC Funded

Blue Economy CRC Funded

Pacific ESI welcomes the announcement of the successful Blue Economy CRC and is pleased to be a founding partner. The Blue Economy CRC is a 10-year $329 million collaborative research project lead by the University of Tasmania and comprised of 45 domestic and international partners. The Australian federal government contributed $70 million for the CRC.

According to Blue Economy CRC Research Director, Australian Maritime College Associate Professor Irene Penesis, “the CRC will translate new developments in science and technology into commercial activity in ways that support our industry partners to create advantage in this evolving market.” This is a transformative model that will drive innovation in offshore developments.

A full announcement from the UTAS is available.

Image source: UTAS.