
Flow visualisation of a cavitating hydrofoil as part of a preliminary test validation study for a large numerical and physical research project.

Structural Mechanics

Structural Mechanics is the study of the deformations, deflections and internal forces and stresses inside structures and structural elements. This involves the simulation of one or more forces and looking at the response of your bodies. These forces can be applied dynamically or statically and we specialise in the non-linear plastic analysis of dynamic forces.

We perform these analyses using finite element simulation, specifically with advanced and custom element types specific to advanced engineering problems. Within our finite element frame work we discretise your structural problem, which can be as large as a building or train or down to an in-situ bottom-of-well pressure transducer. From here, there are four “standard” simulations that can be run based on your needs:

  1. Static linear
  2. Dynamic linear
  3. Static plastic
  4. Dynamic plastic

Specifically, most building structural analyses are conducted within the static linear range. Imagine a steel beam well below its load limit. However, almost all analysis for the numerical crash testing of trains and vehicles is performed in the dynamic plastic range where the materials undergo significant deformation, perhaps with tearing and buckling.