
Flow visualisation of a cavitating hydrofoil as part of a preliminary test validation study for a large numerical and physical research project.

Information Communication Technology

To support our engineering consulting and research activities Pacific ESI has developed a pool of talented in house engineers who drive the innovation of our computer systems. We currently support, for ourselves, Linux, Windows and Mac systems and a variety of engineering and office applications across those platforms.

This team can be deployed to support your operations, be that front-line office management needs, through to cloud scale out computation farms. For example, we currently work with a number of clients to deploy and manage combinations of:

  1. Thin client front of house systems
  2. Engineering workstations
  3. Office suite and Office 365 cloud integrations
  4. Total life cycle hardware and software management
  5. Technical support and frontline client support
  6. Integrated back up and disaster recovery systems
  7. On-premise HPC clusters
  8. Inter-office communications security and the support of road warriors
  9. Hybrid on-premise and fully remote cloud operations servers

We have extensive experience in custom application development for deployment on traditional infrastructure, such as workstations and laptops, but also have newer talent that we use for mobile app development and responsive data driven websites.

The key for us within our ICT portfolio is not the breadth of services that we offer but the depth of our relationship with you to understand, and tailor a solution for, your needs.