
Flow visualisation of a cavitating hydrofoil as part of a preliminary test validation study for a large numerical and physical research project.

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PAM-STAMP Stretch Form Simulation

Stretch Forming with PAM-STAMP

There are several variations of Stretch forming processes, ranging from stretch bending of profiles, to stretch forming of panels, from fuselage skin panels, to wing leading edges.

Engine thrust reverser interior skin Courtesy of Triform Press

The process is quite delicate and it is important to find the correct balance of process parameters to get good quality parts and avoid failures particularly when the cost of raw materials for Aerospace grade aluminium and titanium is so high. PAM-STAMP is widely used in the Aerospace industry for predicting the forming quality of parts made with this type of process. Also the complex kinematics which are in the nature of stretch forming can be analysed and optimized using PAM-STAMP. Also springback can be calculated and the compensation thereof understood.

Wing leading edge Courtesy of Triform Press

For the animated stretch forming process above, three types of forming were evaluated. Draw forming, hydroforming and stretch forming. Ultimately, stretch forming gave the best overall forming results. More consistent final thickness, reduced springback and the elimination of tool marks on the outer surface were also noticed.
