
Flow visualisation of a cavitating hydrofoil as part of a preliminary test validation study for a large numerical and physical research project.

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VA One - Acoustic BEM Simulation Module

The Acoustic Boundary Element Module contains all the functionality you need to model the low frequency response of bounded and unbounded fluids within the VA One environment (can optionally include Fast Multipole Boundary Elements for solving large models).

Acoustic BEM Module

The Acoustic BEM simulation module is the evolution of the RAYON Boundary Element solver and enables you to create accurate models of fluid loading, scattering, radiation and transmission of sound at low frequencies.


  • Create detailed “component level” models of acoustic radiation and scattering at low frequencies (and/or for small, stiff components)
  • Quickly add BEM fluids to existing FE models to account for random acoustic loads, heavy fluid loading and acoustic radiation
  • Investigate acoustic diffraction, propagation, scattering and shadowing effects
  • Investigate the detailed near field response and directivity pattern associated with acoustic radiation from complex baffled and unbaffled components
  • Use information from a component level BEM model to update a system level SEA model (update radiation efficiencies, loads etc.)


  • Advanced Fast Multipole Boundary Elements for large models
  • Indirect, Direct and Mixed Boundary Element methods
  • Inbuilt mesh coarsening and “shrink wrapping” algorithms
  • Automatic creation of fluid and data recovery meshes
  • Full support for non-compatible structural and fluid meshes
  • Full structural-acoustic coupling and random vibration analysis
  • Full library of acoustic loads: monopoles, plane waves, diffuse fields etc.
  • Infinite planes, rigid planes, pressure release planes, baffles
  • Advanced Multi-Domain BEM
  • Fully coupled solution (BEM fluids fully integrated within VA One)

Alstom Transportation France uses VA One, vibro-acoustics simulation software, to simulate the vibroacoustic performances of complex HVAC ducts.

VA One’s new functionality, connecting BEM to FE cavities, allows us to simulate the vibroacoustic performances of complex HVAC ducts. This unique feature is essential to ensure the right allocation and dimensioning of air ducts of onboard HVAC systems, from which radiation could not be effectively modeled without using hybrid methods."

JOAN SAPENA, Acoustics R&D manager at Alstom Transport France

Core and Advanced Extension Modules of VA One