
Flow visualisation of a cavitating hydrofoil as part of a preliminary test validation study for a large numerical and physical research project.

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PAM-STAMP - Topology Check

Topology Check, Clean up and Repair

An accurate description of the contact surfaces as the basis for an accurate mesh is the key to accurate results. This is essential from the beginning especially if one is forced to work with foreign die faces and exchange data between different systems. Topology problems in the geometry might occur. It might be necessary to fill holes and repair cracks or to improve geometry in a way that the meshing of the tool surface yields the best possible simulation results.

Lower part of a press hardening die of a dash panel - Control of topology and thus an accurate representation of contact surfaces guarantee accurate results – Courtesy AP&T

Of course one can always choose the automatic path but, in the case of a low quality topology, this might lead to a lower result quality and consequently in unidentified cracks or wrinkles. In order to be able to work with the best possible topology, VISUAL MESH allows checking, clean up and repair of any topology quickly before the simulation work starts. It is also possible to modify geometry, and to repair any kind of already generated meshes, no matter in which system they were done. Any topology or mesh is, therefore, in a status to provide best possible simulation results, using accurate contact.

Topology repair to achieve a target stitching tolerance

Repair of missing or bad surfaces

PAM-STAMP Features